Learning Center: Tech Tip

Welcome to CD Technology's Tech Tip Page, your go-to resource for practical advice, insights, and solutions to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of technology. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a business owner, or an IT professional, our page is designed to provide you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your tech skills and boost your productivity.

Double Check Website Address

Hackers love to trick you into giving them your personal information. Here are a couple of ways they will trick you and things to do to avoid this.

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Wi-FI Safety

Most businesses will provide a free wi-fi for their employees and customers. Do not let them automatically log into your wi-fi. We go over ways to provide this service but also keep your business secur.

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PCI Compliance

PCI compliance is a set of technical and operational standards that businesses must follow to protect cardholder data. PCI compliance is required for any company that accepts, stores, or transmits cardholder data, such as credit, debit, or cash cards.

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Scareware is a type of malicious software designed to trick you into thinking your computer is infected with a virus. These fake virus warnings can be alarming, but don't worry - we've got you covered.

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You Are Never Too Small To Get Hacked

Most small to medium size businesses believe that they are too small for hackers to attack them. They believe hackers go after the big fish. Problem is for every 1 you hear about 1,000's more are attacked.

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Private Data on the internet and how to remove it

There are dozens of “people finder” websites like Spokeo that host databases full of personal information, such as your phone number, home address, age, birthdate and even relatives and court records.

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Public Wifi Safety

We’re all guilty of it: connecting to free public WiFi. Whether it’s at the coffee shop, hotel or airport, the temptation to check e-mail and surf the web is just too strong to resist. So, BEFORE you connect to any free, public WiFi, make sure the connection is legitimate.

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Keeping Your Cell Phone Secure

Your smartphone might be the most important piece of technology you own. Your life is in there: online banking, getting directions, making payments, private texts, personal photos and calls. That’s why you have to make sure it’s as secure as possible.

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Business Banking Security

Did you know your business bank account doesn’t have the same protections as a personal bank account when it comes to fraud? If a hacker takes money from your business account, the bank is NOT responsible for replacing it. (Don’t believe me? Go ask your bank what their policy is on refunding money stolen from your account!).

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Cloud Security

We'll dive into the essential practices and strategies for securing your cloud environment. Whether you're an IT professional, a business owner, or a tech enthusiast, understanding cloud security is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

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Copy and Paste Using Keyboard Command

In this quick tech tip, we'll show you how to copy and paste like a pro using simple keyboard commands! Say goodbye to right-click menus and hello to efficiency with these essential shortcuts.

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Enable Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA for short), sometimes called two-factor authentication (2FA), is a system in which you must verify your identity in two separate ways to access an account – this may be a login password, an online account or an account to access an application. Sound annoying? It’s not that bad.

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Cloud Safety

If you’re using any kind of cloud application (and these days, who isn’t?), you are right to be concerned about data privacy and security. The company hosting your data is ultimately responsible for keeping hackers out of THEIR network, but most cloud breaches are due to USER ERROR. So, it’s important that you, the user, are being smart about security.

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If You Install It, You Must Update It

here are thousands of hackers who get up every morning with ONE goal in mind: to find a new vulnerability in a commonly installed software (like Adobe, Microsoft Office, Chrome, QuickBooks, etc.) to gain access to MILLIONS of their users.

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Hacked Facebook Account

In this video, we'll explore the serious risks and consequences of having your business's Facebook account hacked. In the digital age, social media is a vital tool for engagement, marketing, and brand presence. But with great power comes great responsibility, and the threat of cyber attacks is ever-present.

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Working From Home Safely

In this video, we share vital tips to help you maintain a secure and productive remote work environment. As more businesses embrace the work-from-home model, ensuring your digital safety is more important than ever.

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Employee Security Training

Cyber security breaches can result in significant financial loss, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. By investing in employee training, you empower your team to recognize and respond to potential threats, creating a more secure and resilient business environment.

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